Cultivate wonder, inspire creativity and deepen engagement in your classroom or homeschool

The Curator Guides

Create an enriching education with these practical and inspiring guides. Packed with information and guidance, with expertly curated living books, podcasts and documentaries.

“The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom in the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend; and is no longer the mere instrument of forcible intellectual feeding.”

— Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education

Rethink Education

If you’re longing for an approach to education that fills your days with joy, connection, creativity, and curiosity alongside strong academics, the Curator guides have been designed to give you practical guidance and resources to do so. Start with our free 15-page guide to a typical Charlotte Mason inspired school day.

Engage your Students

Children are born with an inherent desire to learn, filled with curiosity, insights and ideas. Traditional school lessons can dumb this down, turning bright and eager children into apathetic and uninspired students. Learn how to reinvigorate your classroom and homeschool with simple, effective methods for a life-giving education.

Resources at your fingertips

We know that as teachers and home educating parents, your days are busy. You’d like to source the very best and inspiring books, documentaries and podcasts to supplement your lessons. Our Curator guides give you resources at your fingertips to hand-select for your learning outcomes.